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Supplication, Intercession, Praise (sip)

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Before anything else is said about prayer or what power it holds, I want to give you a mental image.

"You're only truly happy when you walk in total integrity, walking in the light of God's word." Psalms 119:1 TPT

I believe that prayer is a bridge of faith, built on the living water, and that in walking this bridge we are basking in the light of His glory. We are washed in the blood of Jesus (salvation) and therefore granted access to the spiritual realm (Kingdom of God). Our faith is in the hope that when the appointed time comes - He will return for those of us that wait, walk in His ways, and worship. Only God knows when that is. In the meantime, He is seated at the right hand of God, and we are granted a helper in the Holy Spirit.

Philippians 3:20 AMP

But (we are different, because) our citizenship is in Heaven. And from there we eagerly await (the coming of) the Savior; the Lord Jesus Christ; who, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself, will (not only) transform (but completely refashion) our earthly bodies so that they will be like His glorious resurrected body.

Mark 13:33 AMP

Be on guard and stay constantly alert (and pray); for you do not know when the appointed time will come.

The goal of Holy Spirit's companionship is to guide us throughout our days (sanctification) and intercede in prayer on our behalf. This is a process we have to want. Prayer allows us better access to this process of sanctification, gifts of the spirit, and the ability to bear fruit of the spirit.

Galatians 2:20 AMP

I have been crucified with Christ (that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion); is is no longer I who will, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith (by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting) in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Supplication, in terms of prayer, opens our hearts to the things God would have us hear, see, and do in this earthly realm. It's a way of staying alert to evil schemes, a way of responding to offenses, a way of processing fear, a way of renewing the spirit. Some call it a service of the heart and I believe this to be true. We're called to have servant hearts, so it makes sense our most applied service is prayer.

Colossians 3:23 TPT

Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others.

There is also the applied service of organized prayer. We see many structures about prayer, and even Jesus gives us an example in Matthew. My favorite structure for personal prayers has been praise, repent, ask, yes. We praise for all He has already done, we allow Him to reform our character to mirror His glory, we ask Him for guidance on what He'd have us know, and we boldly expect our prayers to be answered if they are His will. These prayers are also good to pair with verses as affirmation we are in line with His will in what we're asking.

Intercession is prayer that calls for help in another's life. Jesus did this for us on the cross, and Holy Spirit does this for us constantly (supplicatory intercession). We also see Him pray for Peter in his faith. Even now, at the right hand of Abba, He intercedes on our behalf by covering us in His light.

Romans 8:26 AMP

In the same way the Spirit (comes to us and) helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself (knows our need and at the right time) intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words.

As we're walking this bridge of faith and praying throughout our day, we also reflect the light of God into this earthly realm through our behavior. This practice changes our way of thinking, our life direction, our inner desires, our actions, the way we react to things, the way we believe in things, how we see the world...the list goes on. We begin to show the fruits of the Spirit. If we're consistently in prayer (supplication) we're setting ourselves against evil influence, this is one way we don the armor of God.

2 Corinthians 10:5 TPT

We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.

Handling what comes our way with guidance from the Holy Spirit is the next step, as it is obedience to God's will. This is why we're not to grieve Holy Spirit. To have a guide setting us on the narrow path and to cause Him grief by being unwilling to be obedient is to act as if Jesus died for nothing. We're called and commanded to change; our eyes are opened to what we should change through prayer.

Ephesians 4:30 AMP

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God (but seek to please Him), by whom you were sealed and marked (branded as God's own) for the day of redemption (the final deliverance from the consequences of sin).

Prayer also opens our eyes to the ways God is showing up around us. As we focus more on Him it becomes easier to see the spiritual touches of our creative Creator. When we're able to see the ways God is showing up in our lives, we should praise all He does and witness that to others. Testimony of His goodness is called to be out loud, while prayer is to be private.

Matthew 6:6 AMP

But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door anf pray to your Father who is in secret, and you Father who sees (what is done) in secret will reward you.

This is how we are called to live:

Before all: we love others, for He first loved us.

Prayerfully walking in the confidence of our faith.

Listening to the quickening of the Holy Spirit within us as a guide.

Applying our knowledge and wisdom to this realm as He calls us to.

Using the gifts of the Spirit as we are called to.

Praising all He is and has done.

Praise also gives new light to the thought of "chasing the dopamine," as it's now proven to release this hormone. Intentionally and consistently praying throughout our days will literally change our brain*. It puts us into a different mindset, one set apart from earthly desires. Directing our thoughts back to God throughout all we do will naturally lead us to focus on what He calls us to be. Praying transforms our inner being and that's reflected outwardly. We become a mirror of His glory.

Galatians 5:22-23 TPT

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

How great is our God that He designed us to physically, mentally, and spiritually benefit from prayer and praise? Imagine a tuning fork, and coming into harmony with Holy Spirit. The perfect harmony to do His will. Prayer offers this opportunity, while opening our hearts to all that God can do in and through us.

1 Corinthians 14:7 TPT

Similarly, if musical instruments, such as flutes or stringed instruments, are out of tune and don't play the arrangement clearly, how will anyone recognize the melody?

The bottom line is that prayer holds more power than anyone will ever realize, and we're called to it in every moment of our day. I know that personally, I've been asking the Lord to show me what it means to be a prayerful woman. Most have an image in their head of a woman praying in tears all day, as is often depicted by Mary, but I hardly doubt this is what the Lord meant overall.

Mary herself wasn't laying around and crying without action. She was praying and she was getting ready to prepare Jesus' body, as was tradition in those times. We see this kind of imagery in Ruth, as well. She went to pick her food from the field and trusted that God would show her the way as she acted. We see this in the depiction of a Godly woman through Proverbs 31, as she handles business throughout her day. All of these women prayed over their work before, after, and while they worked. Faith is knowing God is with us and that He goes before us, and that He stands behind us.

Another story worth noting is Job. For forty chapters we see him crying out in supplication. Forty chapters and the God responds to Him. We struggle to go forty minutes in a church service sometimes. Could you imagine that many hours of consistent prayer? In the end, when Job had nothing left, He decided that God alone was enough for Him. What faith. What a story.

The supplication of prayer is asking God to be with you every step of the way, and remembering His promises that He is. Through instruction, or comfort, or wordless emotions. Everything we do should be directed towards God. This is so that WE can be more aware of God's presence in our lives. We develop this awareness as we also show the reflection of God's love into this world through our obedience and actions. Supplication is a supply of sanctification power. Just as our parents DNA wove together to form us, we must use prayer to weave together our intentions with God's will.

Psalms 139:24 TPT

See if there is any path of pain I'm walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way - the path that brings me back to You.

Speaking of, Jesus was an intercessor for God's will. Even in His last moments He was praying for our forgiveness. He prayed for Peter's faith. He prayed healing over people in God's power. He prayed for wisdom to know God's plan for Him. He prayed for strength, for mercy, for renewal... There was never a time Jesus spoke or acted that it wasn't to bestow God's wisdom here on earth, to reflect His might and glory. In everything He did we are shown what to do.

John 10:11 TPT

I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice for the sheep.

Intercession is imparting or imprinting God's will on this earth through action; driven by revelation knowledge (given by the Spirit). You can pray to God to heal the sick, yet you should also feel called to extend hands to them in helping love. We get this revelation knowledge, in part, by studying the Word.

1 Kings 13:6 AMP

The king answered and said to the man of God, "Please entreat (the favor of) the Lord your God and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me." So the man of God entreated to the Lord. and the king's hand was restored to him and became as it was before.

When we learn to study our Bible faithfully, we are planting seeds of faith within ourselves for future growth. Knowledge and wisdom to call on in times of trouble, instruction in times of need, and redirection when warranted. Because of these things, we also praise continually throughout our day. This praise is prayer, lifting His name on high.

All of our prayers should be built on a firm foundation of His word. This doesn't mean that you have to know all the verses and be able to recite them word for word (though you will eventually if you study long enough). It means that as you're reading the Word, you're imprinting it onto your heart as a means of changing your direction. A good place to start for many is The Lord's Prayer, found in Matthew.

Matthew 6:9‭-‬13 TPT

Pray like this: ‘Our Beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn. Manifest your kingdom realm, and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven. We acknowledge you as our Provider of all we need each day. Forgive us the wrongs we have done as we ourselves release forgiveness to those who have wronged us. Rescue us every time we face tribulation and set us free from evil. For you are the King who rules with power and glory forever. Amen.’

Doing this, step by step, and keeping consistent in asking for help throughout the process keeps you focused on the main goal: learning to love like God. We'll never be perfect at it in this lifetime, and yet we should show the desire to try through constant prayer. The kind of prayer that causes us to reflect and redirect. The kind that makes us stop and think about others. The kind that also inspires gratitude.

2 Corinthians 2:14 TPT

God always makes His grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of His endless triumph. Through our yielded lives He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go.

When you spend the day asking God to show you His love and will, you can't help but notice the ways He shows up in our lives. So praise each little moment that brings joy, brings progress, confirms faith, redeems your heart. Gratitude meets God's grace on the bridge of faith, built through prayer. Supplication of prayer and intercession on others behalf opens our eyes to the work of God within our lives. Who are we to not praise His might and mercy? So we lift our voices high in His honor through testimony and praise.

Psalms 119:14 TPT

I find more joy in following what you tell me to do than in chasing after all the wealth of the world.

When we walk in our faith, we are drinking from the ever living well of life. He promises to nourish us, to fill us of His spirit, to sanctify us. He promises that whoever drinks of His living water will never thirst again. This is spiritual. We are then called to share the good news and testimony of His faithfulness in us.

Romans 7:5-6 TPT

When we were merely living natural lives, the law, through defining sin, actually awakened sinful desires within us, which resulted in bearing the fruit of death. But now that we have been fully released from the power of the law, we are dead to what once controlled us. And our lives are no longer motivated by the obsolete ways of following written code, so that now we may serve God by living in the freshness of a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of supplication, intercession, and praise. Take a sip with every breath. Strive to include God in every thought you have, every step you take, every move you make. Be aware of His will in your life. Intercede on behalf of others if you see them sick or struggling. Praise God for every good thing throughout your day, for every good thing is of His grace and mercy.

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